
I have always loved the written word. Before I could ride a bike, I was already checking out every Civil War hardback I could from the local library. I also loved creating stories from the same age. Most of my early attempts at writing, made with accompanying drawings on pilfered paper or on backs of church bulletins, involved copious amounts of soldiers, spies, and exclamation points. From my long love affair with history to my travels overseas, my literary interests lie in place, memory, continuity, and the transcendent.

I have picked apples, taught English, strung elk fence, designed knives, haggled over furs, sold fly rods, swung a hammer, and more to make a dollar. I have traveled broadly, from the Isle of Lewis and Glasgow subterranean raves to the mountains of Laos and Mekong islands to Seoul backalleys and Korean shrines to the Crow Nation and the Missouri River Breaks. Life is a gift and I have tried to live in that delicate balance between freedom and the duty to use one’s talents.

When life gives me a moment, I like to to chuck modernity and go climb on top of stuff in the woods.

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